Today i want spend few words for this amazing open source project.

Those who knows me are already aware that i love doing black-box penetration testing, mostly because is way more challenging. But, i realise is not enough.

So, recently, i got asked to do a full security audit for a company that has it’s entire infrastructure on AWS. And..oh boy i was wrong…

I did my due diligent work with my precious black-box approach, and didn’t find much (very weird considering what we have around). So, i decided to find various open source tool that promised a lot on paper. I used yatas and cloudfox and left me…well…what’s a good word…not happy.

So i stumbled upon ZeusCloud and a new world opened before my eyes !

How it Works

To use this tool all you need are your AWS credentials with the right permissions.

The use is extremely simple. It has a very nice web UI with all you need under your mouse cursor and installation is even easier since come with docker.

Key Features

ZeusCloud is a preventative cloud security platform. It helps you discover, prioritize, and remediate your risks in the cloud. You can:

  • Build an asset inventory of your AWS accounts.
  • Continuously monitor your environments for attack paths and misconfigurations.
  • Customize security and compliance controls to fit your needs.
  • Contextually prioritize and remediate security findings
  • Meet compliance standards PCI DSS, CIS, and add any other standard you want

Some important things to know

  • At this moment the GitHub repo appears to be “stale” since last commit is date 3 July 2023
  • I have serious doubt about the authors/contributors still being on this project (their last activity dates back months)
  • Lack a very important feature: export of findings in PDF or HTML (but at least you can have a nice json)

Where to get it

Their GitHub repo is @


Please, before starting Read The Fucking Manual: