Hey folks,it’s me, again….and boy do I have a story for you! It’s a tale as old as time: a regular guy (that’s me) finds himself in the wild world of IT certifications, and let me tell you, it’s a doozy!

Picture this: I’m chilling in my favorite pub, enjoying a beer that cost more than my last haircut (thanks Euro and greed), when my phone buzzes. It’s a message from a mysterious number from India.

“Hello Mr. Antonio D’Angelo,” it begins, and I can almost hear the overly cheerful tone. “This is Mas.” (yes, i’ve changed the name…)

Now, I don’t know any Mas who text me with such formality, so my curiosity is piqued. Turns out, Mas’s here to help me cheat on my IT certifications. Yes, you heard that right. Cheat. On. Certifications.

I decided to play along, because hey, who doesn’t love a bit of drama with their beer?
The conversation goes something like this:

Mas: I believe you had a word with Ayiram Deys (yes, changed also this name) about the Cisco, AWS or OSCP certifications on LinkedIn.
Me: Hi Mas, yes I did.
Mas: I believe you had doubts about our procedure.
Me: Actually… more than doubts, I have concerns.

I’m thinking, “You bet I have concerns!”
Like, why are you offering to take exams for people? But I digress.

Mas explains their foolproof plan: they install a software called UltraViewer on my computer, one of their team will take the exam at my place and voilà, I get my certification without lifting a finger.

All I need is a Windows 10-11, 64-bit processor, a webcam, and 50 Mbps internet. Simple, right?

Now, if you’re like me, you’re probably thinking this sounds about as legit as a three-dollar bill.
I ask Mas if this isn’t, well, a bit shady.

And get this—Mas says it’s totally fine because it’s not for newbies. It’s for those experienced pros who are too busy with “family and other things” to study.

So, let’s get this straight: you’re experienced enough to be a pro but too busy to prove it?

The kicker? When I question the ethics of this, Mas tries to assure me that certification means nothing without knowledge.

No kidding, Sherlock! That’s why we have exams—to make sure you know what you’re doing!

In a world where technology changes faster than you can say “IT Certification,” it’s crucial to stay updated.
Even seasoned pros need to hit the books (google) occasionally.

But apparently, for the right price, you can bypass all that pesky studying and jump straight to the certification. Because who needs knowledge when you have a shiny certificate, right?

Well, folks, let me tell you why this is a terrible idea.

Imagine hiring someone who’s supposedly certified in cybersecurity but can’t tell a firewall from a fire drill. Or an AWS expert who thinks EC2 is a new brand of electric car.

The consequences could be disastrous, not just for companies, but for all of us relying on competent IT professionals to keep our data safe and systems running smoothly.

So, here’s my 2 cents: steer clear of these shady certification schemes. They’re about as trustworthy as a politician’s promise.
Invest your time in actual learning.
Study, take the exams honestly, and earn your certifications the right way.

Your future self, and all those relying on your expertise, will thank you.

And remember….You can’t fix stupid, but you can choose not to be part of it.

So, let’s avoid these scams and keep our IT industry reputable and reliable.

Take care and stay smart, folks!

P.S. I have screenshot and chat export available on request.