Myth Buster – Part 2

  • 25/11/2023

At difference with the first part where i covered various subjects, this post is dedicated to the most common myth regarding our beloved brain.

It’s Grey

No. It’s not. I could close here, but here’s why: when submerged into formaldehyde (in the laboratory…unless you are a freak and have personal collection) it gains that grey color that tend to be yellow.

But as long the brain is in it’s place and working it has various colors, like: red almost pink because of the blood vessels, some white because of the substance that comprehend the bundles of nerve fibers that connect the myriad of neurons and black referred to the substantia nigra that is a neuronal formation used for some motor functions. Oh, and grey too because of the grey matter (the set of neurons. But the name is just to differentiate it from the white stuff).

We only use the 10%

Well, if you talk with a lot of people of different backround/places i can understand why you fell under this myth. But no. We don’t use only the 10%.

The brain is very expensive when comes in term of evolution or in a simple energetic point of view.

But this rumor started thanks to a writer and doctor named William James. Luckily, further scientific experiments and studies denied this claim.

The only argument that can appear “valid” behind the expression “we only use the 10% of the brain” is only if you think at the nature of the cells in the brain where an abundant 90% are formed by glial cells and a 10% of neurons.

Human brain is the biggest

Not properly correct. The human brain has an average weight of 1.300 gr, more or less same as dolphin one. There are other animals out there wich it’s brain is way more bigger and heavier (like some whales and organgutan).

So dimensions really have nothing to do what concern the ability (or better, the intelligence) of the entity who has one.

Under pressure i give my best

Well, it may sound controversy because you would have experienced for sure a situation where under huge pressure you gave your best self. But the reality (as always) it’s another.

All this is because of the hormones released during this stress moment (and relative activity) are useful only the short period.

On the long term ? Oh my, well. Prolonged stress situation may take you in very ugly situation, like: having problems in assimilating new stuff, make errors of omission more easily and complete your task very hastily (with it’s due consequences).

Order: Left Side; Creativity: Right Side

Not properly true. This myth started in the year 1800 when some super doctors noticed that damages made in any of the part of the brain (in this case left vs right) would impede specific skills.

Only thanks to technology and new brain imaging techniques we (they) discovered that both the brain emisphere are interconnected. And thanks to those advancements and studies we learned that even the most stupid human skill require the brain to work as whole.รน

The Mozart Effect

Apparently listening to Mozart (and classical music) for 10 minutes a day can improve our cognitive functions. This myth started in 1993 when a study made at California University in Irvine (USA).

The study basicalluy didn’t pass peer-review and so got proven wrong.

But actually a small benefit exist. With Mozart they found out that the brain would generate more dopamine. You can achieve same effect eating a bar of chocolate or listening to any other band you love.

Alcohol kills neurons

Well, if this was true many people would be vegetables.

Anyway. more then “kill” the neurons the alcohol damages the terminal part of the neuron (dendrites) altering nerve signal transmission (and how the neuron in general communicate). It’s more a “temporal problem” (transitory).

But, if you are a heavy drinker/alcoholic, you can develope the Korsakoff syndrome where you have serious memory problem. It is not caused by the alcohol per-se but by one (of the many) effect that alcohol has on your body.

In this case the thiamine is cannot be absorbed by your body, so your body goes in deficit of thiamine inducing your body in developer Korsakoff syndrome

A lesion is forever

This statement is very general and due to it’s nature and common knowledge pass as absolutely true. The reality ? It’s not properly so.

You can have a concussion that enters in the category of lesion. But a concussion is only transitory, it will pass without problem (ofc, it depends by the case).

This is due to the ability of the brain of kinda repairing itself (very limited in this, but still) creating new synapses, new neuronal pathways and partial recover from more serious trauma. All thanks to it’s plasticity.

You can train your memory

Wish was true. But it’s not.

Memory ain’t a muscle that you can exercise and gain new ability.

But there are few tricks in order to avoid cognitive decline:

  • External stimuli (reading, travels, meetings….)
  • Be curious
  • Be Active
  • Eating good

Iron Memory

Many people have this absurd belief that the brain record stuff like a mechanical recorder/camera. No, it’s not true. I wish, but it’s not.

Literature (scientific and no) is full of cases of how fleeting is our memory. We need very little to twist/contort any memory we have.