I know how mental health can impact anyone and all the people around them.

About 8/9 months ago i gave my last commit to a project that has helped me in few ways and I’m very grateful for all the Psychiatrists and Psychologists that spent their free time for helping me in improve this project.

In up about 10/12 days i developed from zero an entire mobile application (for iOS & Android) and the entire counter part in PHP (using slim micro-framework). The objective ? Help people in need of something to track themself and give their doctor an easy access to them. I know, i’m being a bit vague. Here’s the detail.

Mobile Application Features

  • Humor Tracking
  • Drugs Reminder
  • Calendar
  • Chose a Doctor (or invite him/her)
  • Health
  • Behaviour
  • Emotions
  • Objectives
  • Diary
  • Reports
  • Profile
  • Settings
  • About this App
  • App Updates (in order to have also something separated by the official stores)

Web Panel

The back end actually not only has the necessary API to make the APP work, but also all it needs for help mental professional in their job (is basically a complete management software).

Free VS Payment

As i stated in various places, this application is gonna be free for the end user. But i’m releasing it all the public and explicitly asked that “if you are going to make money out of this, money should come from doctor side and with a very cheap monthly subscription”.

Why ? Well, to run a thing like this, unfortunately, has some costs. Not many (if the product is kept alive by the community) but respect the security standard, regulations (like HIIPA and GDPR), hosting and so on…well, become a pain in the ass.

Why i choosed doctors to be the one to pay ? Because with a very small fee (advived to set the price between 20 and 50 € month) they can handle all the patients they want and much more.

Actual Status

When i built “this thing” me and my doctors were the only users. This has some serious implications because:

  • Even tho i have quite few years on my back about Cyber Security, I’m not unfailable.
  • Because i was the only “end-user” and i knew my doctor, i have been somehow “lax” when comes to security. So, it is not gonna be properly secure or in line with the current best standards.
  • All the suggestions i had (around 5/6 professionals between psychiatrists and psychologists) have been implemented

How to Help

All you need to do is to follow those urls and follow the what’s inside the README.md file. Any help is highly appreciated:

Mobile App: https://github.com/well-it-wasnt-me/mental-space-app
Back-End: https://github.com/well-it-wasnt-me/mental-space-backend

As always,

Stay Safe !