Recently i stumbled upon some very concerning article (concerning at least for me) about Jason Wilson and his current situation.

For those of you who does not know him i just say one word: MediEvil.

What ? Still nothing ? Damn you are young ! Well, MediEvil is a game that i can confidently say that made History. More info about this gem of gaming here and here. What’s the role of Jason in this game ? He was the Designer/Artist/Writer/More…

What the heck happened ?

The gist: Jason is actually out-of-job and is struggling a lot in keeping a roof over his head. So, he is deciding to sell his most precious award: BAFTA ‘Best Video Game Award’.

Apparently the world is changing in way i’m finding very hard to figure out. A person like Jason that has trouble finding a job after he’s immense experience and proven achievements makes me wonder a lot, and not in a good way.

When i first stumbled on the article mentioning he’s problem i didn’t want to believe. So i searched for more source till i found he’s personal post on Linkedin. And then a veil of sadness came onto me. Cause everybody in the IT sector can face the same issue. No matter how good you are.

I think that this news got me so much because of the immense good memories i have about playing MediEvil and we don’t easily realize how important are the people behind a project. We tend to say thank you to Sony, Microsoft…but instead is to their individual people we should be thankful.

More Infos

Link to Jason’s post:

So, as the title of this post says: “THANK YOU JASON” for the amazing work you’ve done and i truly wish the best for you.