Italy: wtf happened ?

  • 21/11/2023

Recently i found myself discussing with my better part about Italy, Italians and it’s history. And then i realized that besides the well known figures (luckily still teached at school) many figures that had a significant impact in the world history and it’s evolution are left aside. Forgotten. So, i decided to bring up a list that might shock you to know how much those people contributed in the past in the todays world.

  • 1865 Antonio Pacinotti presents to the world the Dynamo
  • 1866 Enrico Bottini introduces the disinfection of wounds and surgery instruments using carbolic acid
  • 1871 Antonio Meucci invents the Telephone (originally called “Telettrofono”). Bell stole his patent and only around year 2002 his invention got attributed to him by the US supreme court
  • 1870 (year plus year less) Camillo Golgi define the structure of neurons
  • 1880 Alessandro Cruto (5 months way before Edison)  invent his incandescent light bulb (It’s historically proven that Edison is a stealer and an asshole)
  • 1896 Scipione Riva invent the first blood pressure machine. He refused to patent it because wanted to give it to the world for free
  • 1895 Guglielmo Marconi is able to ring a bell at distance. That’s how the radio is born
  • 1930 Corradino D’Ascia build the DAT3, the first helicopter to fly for 8 minutes
  • 1971 Federico Faggin build the FIRST microchip for Intel. We know how it ended
  • 1964 Ferrero creates NUTELLA (i know…but it’s nutella ! Cmon !)
  • 1986 Giorgetto Giugliaro design the DeLorean DMC-12 (if you like Back to the future you love this car too)
  • 1996 Telecom Italia Mobile (italian phone provider) was the first to introduce in the market the concept of “rechargeable sim”
  • 90’s Leonardo Chiariglione invents mpeg. Useless to say to you the impact it had on the IT world
  • 1997 The initial technology wich google used/use (and his search engine) is based on the work of Massimo Marchiori that built “Hyper Search”
  • around year 2000 Bruno Murari and it’s group in Italy build the “micro 3d accelerometer” (in use in wii, phones and many other devices)
  • 2002 (more or less) use of stem search is used and discovered by italians where they effectively cure few genetic diseases

The list can continue and trust me, you would be amazed.

Analizing the history of all those peoples made me realize that Italy is HARDLY the place for genius/good people. Over there, even tho is not the 3rd world, is very hard to succeed in a humane matter. And the modesty/ingenuity of many of these people didn’t let them a financially stable life (in most of the cases). But yet. They left a huge a contribution and hope they will never be forgotten.

So, from all this a question raised: Italy, wtf happened ?