I know, me too. I’m one of the countless people that keep misusing Orwel work and sponsoring the statement

This was supposed to be a novel, not a guide !

But IT corporations (from now on the “axe of evil”: Google, Facebook-Meta and Apple) make billions of dollars by providing free services to users, they operate on a massive scale offering a wide range of products and services that users find highly valuable. And those services and products are in fact very valuable !

Think: with your google/apple account you can now throw through the window your dear smartphone, buy a new one and magically you have again:

  • All your numbers
  • All your photos
  • All the previous installed application
  • Know (again) where have you been the date 12 December 2007 at 11:32 am with extreme precision
  • All your favourite websites that you searched and saved
  • All your passwords

This is just what You, dear end-user, see and appreciate as “free”. But, someone said

“Nothing is free. Everything has to be paid for. For every profit in one thing, payment in some other thing. For every life, a death. Even your music, of which we have heard so much, that had to be paid for. Your wife was the payment for your music. Hell is now satisfied.”

Ted Hughes – The tiger’s bone

I realize that everybody comes from a situation where only for be there standing, doing nothing, just breathing….you have to pay 70 € from nowhere. And this incentivated in us to take anything that is free, no matter if is good or bad, who cares…it’s free !

I’m totally ok with you grabbing litterally anything that life has to offer for free, you deserve a break. Do It !

But please, be at least conscious of the consequences.

The primary source of revenue for our Axe of Evil comes primarly from targeted advertising. By collecting data and metadata from their users, such as browsing history, search patterns, demographic information and much more they can build detailed profiles of each individuals.

This allows them to serve personalized advertisements that are more likely to be relevant and appealing to you.

Some definitions

Data refers to the information collected directly from users, which can include personal details, preferences, and behavior (and..as always, in this case, way much more)

Metadata, on the other hand, is the additional information that accompanies the data collected above, providing context and insights.

For example, metadata can include the time and location of a user’s online activities, the devices they use, or the interactions they have with other users.

Basically the difference between data and metadata lies in their nature and level of specificity.

So, what now ?

Our beloved Axe of Evil use this data and metadata to understand user behavior, identify trends, and make informed business decisions.

So, it is important to note that while you enjoy “free services” provided by them, they are also trading your very personal information and online activities with other companies.

The Regulations

As European i was kinda shocked when i read in detail the GDPR for the first time. I couldn’t believe it. Finally something to protect me. And soon realized the challenges that it poses, not only for the Axe of Evil, but also on smaller organization. I don’t care for the Axe, but the little guy ? I do. That’s why, when i can, i give my services for free (depend on the situation). I think is the minimum I can possibly do to incentivate and help companies to abide at this regulation (also, the fine are no joke…they can go up to 20 Million € or even more – also here…depend by the case).

Many people don’t understand, still, quite well what happens when you click on that “I Consent/Accept” button. Well, luckily for you, i’m here ! What happen ? Well, read this article again from the begin.

Valid Alternatives

I know. The Axe of Evil made it so easy and user friendly that all you have to do for have their free services is to press few buttons and you are done (litterally).

Well, as far as i know, still no billionair on planet earth offer same services that you actually use for free and with attention to privacy. But, luckily, we have A LOT of alternative ! ( thanks @peppenna)

Just visit this those amazing websites just to have an idea

What’s next ?

Soon (a mysterious unit of time, often used to describe when your friend will return something they borrowed. Or better….like the Bermuda Triangle of scheduling – things go in, but nobody knows when they’ll come out) i will start a new project on GitHub where with a simple execution of a script you are going to have at your disposal all you need to not rely anymore on the Axe of Evil. Cool right ?

But, I don’t care of my privacy. I have nothing to hide

Privacy is so last century. You’re like a modern-day superhero, fighting for the right to be completely exposed. Move over, Batman, here comes the Open Book Avenger!

Seriously, when i hear that sentence i want to die, every time. According to that logic then, why don’t you go around naked ? Or showing off your few cents on your bank account ? Or why don’t you explain why you searched “how to spell cat” ? No no no…even better…Your entire pornhub search history !

As always,

Stay Safe !